Thursday, January 22, 2009

JCMS Update

Well the NJ and Federal labor taxes have been paid off finally and are up to date till this quarter. A recurring biweekly payment is being sent to Matrix Distributors so the debts are slowly being taken care of. Unfortunately we are being 'attacked' in a way from Tafa Healthcare since they need their money, which I have no complaints about since if I believe I was owed money I would be hounding people too, especially if I felt that I was being ignored. Unfortunately for them after a careful review of payments sent to them and bills sent by them it seems they owe Jersey City Medical Supplies $7472.17. We are awaiting a response from them to see if there is any discrepency in our books, because anything is possible. If there isn't then we will have to send them a letter requesting payment.
On another note, NJ Medicaid, sent us a letter requesting payment for a stocking audit review process they put the previous owner Roland Rolando through, which we were not aware of. We are currently in the process of reviewing this. Medicare also was sent documentation that they requested since they stated we are under review for fraud because of complaints they received. We provided Medicare with all information requested and are awaiting their answer.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Delivery Vehicle - Crashed

Due to an accident with our main delivery vehicle some deliveries may be delayed. We have the vehicle at the mechanic and are working on ways around this delay. Please call us if you have any questions.

Fortunately noone was serious harmed, Patricia suffered some whiplash.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Look for the Main Website

Today I spent all day updating the look for Jersey City Medical Supplies' website that way we can detail more information about the business and be able to better inform our clients.

I used a similar color scheme as the blog in order to do uniformity.

New Blog

Hey all, since I started speaking about my issues with this company on my Obsidian Computer's blogspot I decided to make one. Here I am hoping to keep all interested parties about the going ons with Jersey City Medical Supplies, informed.

Currently Jersey City Medical Supplies owes a large sum of money to the following people:
  • Tafa Healthcare
  • Matrix Distributors
  • IRS
  • NJ
  • Pardo and Mezzina's Accounting

Unfortunately the business is also in the middle of the accredidation process required by Medicare and Medicare decided to put us under review so we had to halt accredidation proceedings to get Medicare what they want.

We have a new employee starting soon by the name of Miguel Santiago, his start date is scheduled to a week after January 6th. We have high hopes that he will assist in growing the business to where it should be.

I am currently backed up on EOBs and Invoices entering so I am hoping to catch up on that soon as well.

Independence Medical claims that we owe them money but after taking the time to review the invoices and payments in their folder it really seems like they owe us a few credits I will have to confirm this once I have the opportunity.

Jersey City Medical Supplies, Inc
316 Central Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07307
Phone: (201) 217-9950
Fax: (201) 217-9952

Our business website can be reached at:

Below I decided to put the spot that we paid the UEZ Improvement district to advertise, we are at the last bit of the commercial. We are hoping that this commercial also brings us more business. God Bless all.